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October 3rd (2023) Start - Tough Cases: Working with Angry, Narcissistic and Impulsive Clients in Schema Therapy with Chris Hayes and Rob Brockman
Introduction and Preparation for the Course
Video Presentation: Intros & How to Make the Most Out of the Course (Official Course Start Date May 30th, 2023) (3:07)
Pre-Course Reading and "Nerd Out" Zone
Module 1: Tough Cases - Overview, Mode-Work, Empathic Confrontation & Limit Setting Reboot
Intro to Week 1 with Rob Brockman (1:42)
Presentation: Tough Cases Reboot - Schema Mode Work Principals, Conceptualising Difficult Behaviour (28:04)
Webinar: Limited Reparenting and Empathic Confrontation (26:42)
Skills Video: Mode Work: (9:21)
Skills Video: Using Gestures (5:27)
Reflection Exercise: Empathic Confrontation
Imagery Work with Tough Man (19:37)
Week 1 Reflection Exercise: Any Questions?
Module 2: Working With Angry and Enraged Child Mode
Welcome to Module 2 with Rob (2:06)
Presentation: Interplay Between Angry and Vulnerable Child Modes (15:37)
Presentation: Step by Step - What to do with Angry Child Mode (8:16)
Skills Video - Angry Child How to Respond (6:16)
Skills Videos: Setting Limits (8:02)
Podcast: Anger Schema Therapy and Tennis Champions
Reflection Exercise: Understanding Your Angry Child Mode
Module 3: Working with Aggrandiser Mode and Narcissistic Presentations
Skills Video: Working with Criticism and Resistance Using Mode Work (16:02)
Webinar Presentation: Conceptualisation of Narcissistic Personailty Disorder With Schema Therapy (15:02)
Video Presentation: Schema Treatment of NPD (22:56)
Skills Video: The Aggrandiser and Empathic Confrontation (9:28)
What's The Schema? Video Podcast Recording - Interview with Wendy Behary Author of Disarming the Narcissist (49:57)
Skills Practice: Empathic Confrontation with Aggrandizer or Overcompensator
Reflection Exercise: Working with Anger, Criticism, and Difficult Behaviour in Your Practice
Module 4: Resistant & Unwilling Tough Cases
Video Presentation: Conceptualising Aggression, Resistance, and Motivation in ST (15:13)
Skills Video: Using Mode Work to Manage Angry Protector (11:31)
Webinar Presentation: Strong Resistance to Doing Experiential Work (19:08)
Skills Presentation: Client Resistant to Imagery and Chair Work (11:51)
Skills Video: Stealth Imagery, Client Doesn't Want to Do Imagery (3:35)
Reflection Exercise: Deliberate Practice of New Skills
Bonus - Wendy Behary Video Podcast NPD and Empathic Confrontaion (49:57)
Skills Video: Working with Bully and Attack Mode (15:15)
Module 5: Healing the Impulsive and Undisciplined Child Modes
Save the Date: Live Zoom meeting Workshop Tuesday 11th July (2023) Melbourne (Sydney/ Melbourne), with Rob
Video Presentation 1: Conceptualisation of the Impulsive and Undisciplined Child Mode Modes (29:51)
Skills Video 1: Imagery Rescripting with the Impulsive Child Mode (16:45)
Skills Video 2: Imagery Rescripting with the Undisciplined Child Mode (18:39)
Skills Exercise: Imagery Rescripting with the IC/UC Modes
Week 5 Reflection Task: Seeking and Harnessing Leverage in the Treatment of Tough Cases
Homework Task for Module 6: Filling Out the Needs Questionnaire - Reflecting on Our Own Needs Background
Module 6: The Importance of Self-Practice and Self-Reflection (SP-SR) in Dealing with 'Tough Cases'
Refresher: What is Self-Practice and Self-Reflection? (15:34)
Interpreting the Needs Questionnaire (Homework Exercise from last Week)
Self-Reflection Task: Doing Our Own Formulation of Transference - Counter-Transference: Continuing the Journey (5:48)
Keeping an Active PD Record/ Downloading Your Certificate & Course Finish Date
Reflection Exercise: Understanding Your Angry Child Mode
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