Schema Therapy Based Coaching: Is Schema Therapy for Everyone?

By Dr Robert Brockman

This month I had the pleasure of reading this chapter from a new edited book on Third Wave Approaches to 'Coaching'.

McCormick, I. A. (2022). Schema Coaching: Theory, research and practice. In Passmore, J & Leach, S (eds), Third Wave Cognitive Behavioural Coaching: Contextual, Behavioural and Neuroscience Approaches for Evidence-based Coaches. Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd, Shoreham-by-Sea.

In reading it I was immediately struck by something that has been obvious to me for a long time now. Schema Therapy is probably for everyone. Ok maybe an overstatement but let me explain. What I mean by that is that it is a bit of a misnomer to think of the schema model as only applying to 'complex cases' or 'personality disorders' - rather Schema Therapy is for personalities. For example, in working with psychologists in supervision, it is clear that the model applies just as well to the struggles of busy professionals as it does to the 'pointy end' of mental health. The more we use this model as a lens, the more you see applications of the model in very diverse settings.

So, this month we sat with Dr Iain McCormick to discuss his chapter and the application of Schema Therapy in the executive coaching, corporate and high-performance contexts. Resources articles posted for download below (referenced in the podcast).

We hope you enjoy the discussion and resources.

Chris Hayes and Rob Brockman

Coaching Article 1

Coaching Article 2

Coaching Article 3

Coaching Article 4

Resources to learn more about Schema Therapy Coaching